long term profit & maximum return on investment:
at ftp handicapping, we offer packages that fit the needs of everyone. from short term subscriptions to yearly subscriptions - it is our priority to maximize your return on investment. thousands of clients in over 25 countries have put their trust in us over the years. will you be next? we pride ourselves on discipline and selectivity, carefully selecting games we feel will put you in the best position to succeed. by subscribing to ftp, you are also gaining the knowledge of professionals who have been in this business for over a decade.

at ftp handicapping, we focus on all sports -- at all times of the year. when subscribing to one of our packages, you will be supplied with the absolute best information, using our algorithms and trends.
as promised, you are in good hands here at ftp handicapping. our team of experts will put you in the best position to succeed and make it our mission to assure you are receiving information from the top analysts in the industry.

build relationships
our mission is to not only supply you with top notch information, but to build long-lasting friendships along the way. at ftp handicapping, we make it a point to be hands on with each and every one of our customers, checking in quite often to make sure you are reaching your upmost potential.